
uploaded by at 16/08/2009 and viewed 1537 times
I've gotta see you moving fast, see you come my way.
See the dreams, I hope they last, never fade away.
Gotta see the lights above, make it loud tonight.
Gotta set it all afire, set it all alight.

See the flashing lights, hear the thunder roar,
I am gonna set you all alight.
Gotta make it man, I ain't got a choice,
Gotta fill this hall tonight.

Helpless, helpless, helpless, helpless.

I don't know what I'm gonna do, maybe not tonight.
Gotta set you all afire, gotta treat you right.
I can see the flashing lights, lit before your love.
Gotta hear the thunder roar, coming from above.

See the flashing lights, hear the thunder roar,
I am gonna set you all alight.
Gotta make it man, I ain't got a choice,
Gotta fill this hall tonight.

Helpless, helpless, helpless, helpless.

I can see the stars, I can see what's going on.
Every night alone I sing my song just for fun.
Only time will tell if I'll make it myself someday.
This stage is mine, music is my destiny.

Cannot squeeze the life from me.

I can see the stars, I can see what's going on.
Every night alone I sing my song just for fun.
Only time will tell if I'll make it myself someday.
This stage is mine, music is my destiny.

Cannot squeeze the life from me.

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