St. anger

performed by ,
uploaded by at 16/08/2009 and viewed 2416 times
Saint Anger 'round my neck
Saint Anger 'round my neck
He never gets respect
Saint Anger 'round my neck

(You flush it out, you flush it out)
Saint Anger 'round my neck
(you flush it out, you flush it out)
He never gets respect
(you flush it out, you flush it out)
Saint Anger 'round my neck
(You flush it out, you flush it out)
He never gets respect

Fuck it all and no regrets,
I hit the lights on these dark sets.
I need a voice to let myself
To let myself go free.
Fuck it all and fuckin' no regrets,
I hit the lights on these dark sets.
Let down your noose, I'll hang myself.
Saint Anger 'round my neck

I feel my world shake
Like an earthquake
Hard to see clear
Is it me? Is it fear?

I'm madly in anger with you
I'm madly in anger with you
I'm madly in anger with you
I'm madly in anger with you

Saint Anger 'round my neck
Saint Anger 'round my neck
He never gets respect
Saint Anger 'round my neck

(You flush it out, you flush it out)
Saint Anger 'round my neck
(You flush it out, you flush it out)
He never gets respect
(You flush it out, you flush it out)
Saint Anger 'round my neck
(You flush it out, you flush it out)
He never gets respect


Fuck it all and no regrets,
I hit the lights on these dark sets.
I need a voice to let myself
To let myself go free.
Fuck it all and fuckin' no regrets,
I hit the lights on these dark sets.
Let down your noose, I'll hang myself.
Saint Anger 'round my neck

I feel my world shake
Like an earthquake
Hard to see clear
Is it me? Is it fear?

I'm madly in anger with you
I'm madly in anger with you
I'm madly in anger with you
I'm madly in anger with you

and I want my anger to be healthy
and I want my anger just for me
and I need my anger not to control
yeah, and I want my anger to be me

and I need to set my anger free
and I need to set my anger free
and I need to set my anger free
and I need to set my anger free


Fuck it all and no regrets,
I hit the lights on these dark sets.
I need a voice to let myself
To let myself go free.
Fuck it all and fuckin' no regrets,
I hit the lights on these dark sets.
Let down your noose, I'll hang myself.
Saint Anger 'round my neck

I feel my world shake
Like an earthquake
Hard to see clear
Is it me? Is it fear?

I'm madly in anger with you
I'm madly in anger with you
I'm madly in anger with you
I'm madly in anger with you

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